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Chris Crooks - White Dragon Tattoo Studio
White Dragon Tattoo Studio Belfast
Chris Crooks Tattoo


How do I book an appointment?
Fill in the online booking form, the studio will contact you and arrange the first appointment and further appointments estimated to complete the tattoo

How long is the waiting list for a tattoo?
The waiting time can vary throughout the year. An appointment can usually be made within 2/3 months. Cancellations also occur and you can request an earlier appointment.

How much of a deposit is required and how can I pay this?
£200 deposit is required no later than 28 days after your appointment is made, deposit confirms appointment! This can be paid via PayPal or bank transfer.

When will I discuss the design?
The consultation will be done in person or by email for international customers, this will take place in the weeks before the appointment, designs are done days before due to the high volume of appointments and designs

How long is a session?
1st sessions must be a minimum of 6 hours to ensure the design will get underway effectively, after this appointment slots are 3, 4 or 6+ Hours

What if I have to cancel?
Appointments must be cancelled 21 days prior to appointment date to secure deposit, appointments can be rescheduled up to 7 days before and appointment and deposit transferred to new date.

I am travelling from abroad?
We have a high volume of clients that travel from abroad, including Australia, USA and Europe etc, and we can help with hotels and transport reservations, special arrangements can be made for international clients, longer tattoo sessions, closer consecutive tattoo sessions etc.